Rules and Info

- Please MPA or return to sighthounds on Discord if no longer wanted.
- If you want to see how I did something, feel free to look in the code, but do not copy it directly.
- Minor fixes in LNZ are fine, but ask before making cosmetic changes.
- Keep Fractal in the name if you show.
- I take trades in the form of hexies, USD ($10-15 depending on the file), or bred Petz, listed in order of preference. If you want to do something else, feel free to say so in the form and we can probably make it happen!
- If you want me to change the base breed/species of the hex, let me know (and throw in a lil something extra if you waaant~)
- I put external textures in resource/dogz or resource/catz by default, but you're free to reroute.
- If you don't have a website of your own to link, a Google Doc is fine, or if you really need to, we can talk it out over Discord or email (though this will take longer, of course).
- I take payment through PayPal, CashApp, and Venmo.

Trade Form